Tuesday, December 6, 2011


 {Image via}
It is rainy and gloomy today - although decidedly warm as the temperature hovers in the 60's, I swear I will never get used to such humidity! - and I had fully intended to go around my neighborhood taking pictures of the Christmas lights last night so I could post them here. But I did not, and so while such images would have surely brightened up your day as well as mine, we must do without. In other news, yesterday marked my 300th post on this blog! Who would have thought that I would have been able to fill up so many? And mostly with pictures I did not take, and filled with ramblings about this thing called weather. Oh heavens why do any of you read this again?? I hope you all enjoy your Tuesdays, and I promise I'll get some holiday cheer up on these pages very soon! Oh, and that piccy has nothing to do with anything, it just made me smile. That, and I appreciate odd-looking Mario's thought process.

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